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Quick Coaching Session to get answers or an energy tune-up
30 min
110 US dollars 45 min
154 US dollars1 hr 30 min
275 US dollars45 min
154 US dollars45 min
154 US dollars15 min
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Clear Layers of Emotional and Physical Trauma in 30 minute increments.
30 min
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Schedule all four sessions at once or book as needed.
1 hr
Purchase Plan Here 1 hr
1 hr
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Gentle transformation through ongoing coaching support. Ten 60 minute sessions
1 hr
Many of us have had or are currently having experiences in life we wish we could forget about or let go of. We feel stuck with the emotions and bad memories that prevent us from fully living our lives and often times, we unknowingly create limiting beliefs or develop negative patterns as a result. Sometimes, we find ourselves following a set of guidelines or rules in our lives that weren't actually chosen by us, rather, they were imprinted on us by our parents, siblings, teachers or other people in our early communities.
By following these guidelines that aren't part of our chosen path, we may develop a lack of trust in ourselves or another form of self rejection. This results in our lives not working the way we would like them to and that, in turn, can lead to a variety of negative emotions or even worse, detrimental bodily conditions.
Many people are searching for answers which will lead them to a new way of living. A way to let go of the past, change negative patterns and release emotional trauma or pain.
You may be in the beginning or middle stages of the great ascension process or spiritual awakening. You could feel like you no longer fit into your old life, with your old friends or your old way of being but don't quite know where they fit or what direction to go in. You may feel lost, confused and full of unanswered questions. Are you desiring and asking for something more but don't know what would be the most rewarding and fulfilling choice to make? You could be having bizarre or alarming experiences that are a normal part of the ascension process but unless you know whats going on, you may feel like you are losing your grasp on reality, going insane or even worse, dying! This can be scary and overwhelming at times. Its important to know you're not alone and you don't have to go through this or figure this challenging time out by yourself.
Together, we can design a life through intention, empowered decisions and inspired action. Clarity, purpose and a life full of joy, happiness and inner peace is not only possible for you but is waiting for you. You are free to choose any type of life you'd like to live but you've got to make the choice. Do you want to thrive or just survive?
By receiving coaching with me, you are able to receive the support necessary to look into your subconscious mind as well as access your higher self or superconscious mind for guidance. It will also help you gain insight into hidden roadblocks that prevent your success and well being. There is no need to struggle to find answers or to continue to guess or learn by mistake. Get answers now! You have all the answers inside you, it's just a matter of tapping into them.
By looking at your energy body, together, we can clear any blocks that may be causing chronic or recent injuries and pain you may are experiencing. We can also look at your emotional and mental bodies to remove any blockages that would have the injuries or pain linger or return.
Get the support you need to heal physical ailments through a variety of exciting techniques and health coaching strategies.
The Higher self goes by more than one name including the True Self, the All Knowing Self, and the Eternal Self amongst other names. Everyone has a Higher Self. It is the all knowing part of us that is connected to our Source energy, whatever you believe that Source to be. It is the part of us that can provide answers and insight to challenges and tough questions when we need it the most. It is the eternal part of each of us that exists beyond the restrictions of time and space and has an overview of our overall purpose and well being. Everyone is able to hear their Higher Self, though many are unable to completely trust the guidance they hear of feel is that of the Higher Self and not the ego or subconscious mind.
Your higher self is a part of you that you must connect to on the inside. It is an inner voice that guides you and when you listen to and learn to recognize it, the truth it brings can be felt as an uplifting feeling in the core of your body. It is always a loving or at least neutral voice and will never criticize you or instigate feelings of guilt, hatred or other negative emotions. It is your true self and can be felt as inner peace and harmony.
Unfortunately, the Higher Self is not the only inner voice for many. Most people are afflicted with several inner critics who offer limiting beliefs that muddle the guidance received by an individual's Higher Self creating a convoluted message that results in confusion and continued turmoil or indecision. Learning to distinguish the difference takes patience and dedication. If you don't have time to develop this ability immediately and you need answers now, I can tune in for you. Together we will find the answers and direction you're looking for.